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Reports and Others
24. Thornton, P.K., R.B. Boone, and J. Ramirez-Villegas 2015. Climate change impacts on livestock. CCAFS Working Paper no. 120. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Copenhagen, Denmark. Available online at:
23. Dinesh, D., B. Bett, R. Boone, D. Grace, J. Kinyangi, J. Lindahl, C.V. Mohan, J. Ramirez-Villegas, R. Robinson, T. Rosenstock, J. Smith and P. Thornton. 2015. Impact of climate change on African agriculture: focus on pests and diseases. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Available online at:
22. Wockner, G., Boone, R., Schoenecker, K.A., and Zeigenfuss, L.C.. 2014. Modeling elk and bison carrying capacity for Great Sand Dunes National Park, Baca National Wildlife Refuge, and The Nature Conservancy's Medano Ranch, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2014-1200, 23 p., ISSN 2331-1258 (online)
21. Boone, R.B., R.T. Conant, and J. Sircely. 2013. Adjustment and sensitivity analyses of a beta global rangeland model. Final report to the International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya
20. McCloskey, J.T., R.J. Liliehold, R. Boone, R. Reid, D. Nkedianye, S. Sader, M. Said, and J. Worden. 2011. A participatory approach for modeling alternative future land use scenarios around Nairobi National Park using Bayesian belief networks. Ecology and the Environment 144:43-57.
19. Boone, R.B., R.T. Conant, and T.E. Hilinski. 2011. G-Range: Development and use of a beta global rangeland model. Final report to the International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya
18. Boone, R.B., J.J. Taylor, D.M. Swift, P.H. Evangelista, and E. Hollowed. 2011. Developing a Resource Management and Monitoring Protocol for a Semiarid Landscape with Extensive Oil and Gas Development Potential. Technical Note 439. U.S. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Land Management, National Operations Center, Denver, Colorado.
17. Wockner, G., R. Boone, K. Schoenecker, and L. Zeigenfuss. 2010. The Great Sand Dunes Ecosystem elk and bison carrying capacity model: description and scenario results. Final report to the National Park Service, Mosca, Colorado.
16. Wockner, G, R.B. Boone, N.T. Hobbs, and D. Freddy. 2009. The Habitat Assessment Model: a tool to improve wildlife habitat management. Final report to for the Habitat Partnership Program, Colorado Division of Wildlife, Denver, Colorado.
15. Boone, R.B., S.B. BurnSilver, and P.K. Thornton. 2006. Optimizing aspects of land use intensification in southern Kajiado District, Kenya. Report to the International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya.
14. Bulte, E.H., R.B. Boone, R. Stringer, and P.K. Thornton. 2006. Wildlife conservation in Amboseli, Kenya: paying for nonuse values. In Roles of Agricultural Project, Environmental Services, Agricultural and Development Economics Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
13. Boone, R.B. and S.B. BurnSilver. 2002. Integrated assessment results to support policy decisions in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania. Report from the POLEYC Project to the Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program, University of California, Davis, California.
12. Galvin, K.A., R.S. Reid, S. BurnSilver, and R.B. Boone. 2002. Linking communities and households to climate variability and land cover/land use change at different scales in farming and pastoral systems of East Africa. Paper published by the Workshop on Linking Household and Remotely Sensed Data: Methodological and Practical Problems, Honolulu, Hawaii.
11. Boone, R.B. and Michael B. Coughenour (eds.). 2001. A system for integrated management and assessment of East African pastoral lands: balancing food security, wildlife conservation, and ecosystem integrity. Final report to the Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program, University of California, Davis, California.
10. Coughenour, M., R. Boone, P. Thornton, R. Howe. 2001. Integrated modeling and assessment of changing pastoral ecosystems - experience in East Africa, and potential for application in Mongolia. Proceedings of the Conference on Pastoralism in Mongolia, Ulan Baatar, Mongolia.
9. Ellis, J., M. Coughenour and R. Boone. 2001. Promoting livestock production and wildlife conservation. Cattle Guard: Colorado Cattleman's Association 50:12.
8. Boone, R.B. 2000. Integrated management and assessment system: training manual. Instruction manual created with the support of the Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program, US Agency for International Development.
7. Hepinstall, J.A., S.A. Sader, W.B. Krohn, R.B. Boone, and R.I. Bartlett. 1999. Development and testing of a vegetation and land cover map of Maine. Maine Agriculture and Forest Experiment Station Technical Bulletin 173, University of Maine, Orono. 104 pp.
6. Krohn, W.B., R.B. Boone, S.A. Sader, J.A. Hepinstall, S.M. Schaefer, and S.L. Painton. 1998. Maine Gap Analysis - a geographic analysis of biodiversity. Final contract report to USGS Biological Resources Division, Gap Analysis Program, Moscow, Idaho. 123 pp. plus appendices.
5. Boone, R.B., and W.B. Krohn. 1998a. Maine gap analysis vertebrate data - Part I: distribution, habitat relations, and status of amphibians, reptiles, and mammals in Maine. Part of final contract report to U.S. Geological Survey's Biological Resources Division, Gap Analysis Program, Moscow, Idaho.
4. Boone, R.B., and W.B. Krohn. 1998b. Maine gap analysis vertebrate data - Part II: distribution, habitat relations, and status of breeding birds in Maine. Part of final contract report to U.S. Geological Survey's Biological Resources Division, Gap Analysis Program, Moscow, Idaho.
3. Boone, R.B. and W.B. Krohn. 1997. Species occurrence: what, why, and where? Gap Analysis Bulletin No. 6.
2. Hagan, J.M. and R.B. Boone. 1997. Harvest rate, harvest configuration, and forest fragmentation: A simulation of the 1989 Maine Forest Practices Act. Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, Division of Conservation Forestry. Report No. MCDCF-97001.
1. O'Connor, R.J., R.B. Boone, H. Devaul, M.T. Jones, and T.B. Lauber. 1991. A retrospective study of bird populations and agriculture: effects of agricultural practices on bird populations. Contract report to a consortium of six agricultural companies.
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