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Books and Book Chapters
1. Dong, S., K.-A. S. Kassam, J.F. Tourrand, and R.B. Boone (eds.). 2016. Building resilience of human-natural systems of pastoralism in the developing world. Springer, Switzerland.
Book Chapters
22. Boone, R.B.. 2019. Weather and climate impacts on browsing and grazing ungulates. In: The ecology of browsing and grazing II (Gordon, I.J and H.H.T. Prins, eds.). Springer, Switzerland. Pages 197-214.
21. Ma, L., J.D. Derner, R.D. Harmel, J. Tatarko, A.D. Moore, C.A. Rotz, D.J. Augustine, R.B. Boone, M.B. Coughenour, P.C. Beukes, M.T. van Wijk, G. Bellocchi, B.R.Cullen, and H. Wilmer. 2019. Application of grazing land models in ecosystem management: current status and next frontiers. Advances in Agronomy 158:173-216.
20. Thornton, P.K., M. Herrero, and R.B. Boone. 2019. Altered grazing systems: pastoralism to conventional agriculture. In: Grasslands and Climate Change. Gibson, G.J. and J.A. Newman (eds.). British Ecological Society: Ecological Reviews Series. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Chapter 15.
19. BurnSilver, S.B., R.B. Boone, G.P. Kofinas, and T. Brinkman. 2017 Modeling tradeoffs in a rural Alaska mixed economy: hunting, working, and sharing in the face of economic and ecological change. In: The give and take of sustainability. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Pages 52-83.
18. Boone, R.B. and C.K. Lesorogol. 2016. Modelling coupled human-natural systems of pastoralism in East Africa. Pastoralism in the developing world: an exploration of interdisciplinary strategies for sustainable pastoralism (Dong, S., K.-A. S. Kassam, J.F. Tourrand, and R.B. Boone, eds.) Springer, Switzerland, pp. 251-280.
17. Galvin, K.A., R.B. Boone, T. McCabe, A.L. Magennis, and T. Beeton. 2015 Transitions in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area: the story of cultivation, human well-being and conservation. In: Serengeti IV: Sustaining biodiversity in a coupled human-natural system. Sinclair, A.R.E., Mduma, S.A.R., and Packer, C. (eds.). Chicago University Press. Pages 483-511.
16. Boone, R.B. and K.A. Galvin. 2014. Simulation as an approach to social-ecological integration, with an emphasis on agent-based modeling. In: Understanding society and natural resources: forging new strands of integration across the social sciences. Manfredo, M., et al. (eds.). Springer Dordrecgt Heidelberg, New York. Pages 179-202.
15. Bucini, G., N.P. Hanan, R.B. Boone, I.P.J. Smit, S. Saatchi, M.A. Lefsky, and G.P. Asner. 2010. Woody fractional cover in Kruger National Park, South Africa: remote-sensing-based maps and ecological insights. In Ecosystems Function in Savannas: Measurement and Modeling at Landscape to Global Scales (M.J. Hill and N.P. Hanan, eds.) CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida.
14. Galvin, K.A., R.B. Boone, S.B. BurnSilver, and P.K. Thornton. 2008. Humans and wildlife as ecosystem components in integrated assessments. In Wildlife and Society in the Twenty-first century (M.J. Manfredo, J.J. Vaske, P.J. Brown, and D.J. Decker) Island Press, Washington, D.C. Pages 129-142.
13. Boone, R.B., S.B. BurnSilver, and R.L. Kruska. 2008. Comparing landscape and infrastructural heterogeneity within and between ecosystems. In Fragmentation of semi-arid and arid landscapes: consequences for human and natural systems (K. A. Galvin, R. Reid, R. H. Behnke, and N. T. Hobbs, eds.) Springer Publishing, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Pages 341-367.
12. Galvin, K.A., R.B. Boone, P.K. Thornton, and L.M. Knapp. 2008. Northwest Province, South Africa: Communal and commercial livestock systems in transition. In Fragmentation of semi-arid and arid landscapes: consequences for human and natural systems (K. A. Galvin, R. Reid, R. H. Behnke, and N. T. Hobbs, eds.) Springer Publishing, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Pages 281-304.
11. Galvin, K.A., P.K. Thornton, R. B. Boone, and L.M. Knapp. 2008. Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania: fragmentation of a unique region of the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem. In Fragmentation of semi-arid and arid landscapes: consequences for human and natural systems (K. A. Galvin, R. Reid, R. H. Behnke, and N. T. Hobbs, eds.) Springer Publishing, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Pages 255-279.
10. BurnSilver, S.B., J.S. Worden, and R.B. Boone. 2008. Processes of fragmentation in the Amboseli Ecosystem. In Fragmentation of semi-arid and arid landscapes: consequences for human and natural systems (K. A. Galvin, R. Reid, R. H. Behnke, and N. T. Hobbs, eds.) Springer Publishing, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Pages 225-253.
9. Boone, R.B., S.B. BurnSilver, J.S. Worden, K.A. Galvin, and N.T. Hobbs. 2008. Large-scale movements of large herbivores: livestock following seasonal changes in forage supply. In Resource Ecology: Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Foraging (H.H.T. Prins and F. van Langevelde, eds.) Springer-Kluwer Publishing. Pages 187-206.
8. BurnSilver, S., R.B. Boone, and K.A. Galvin. 2003. Linking pastoralists to a heterogeneous landscape: The case of four Maasai group ranches in Kajiado District, Kenya. In Linking household and remotely sensed data: Methodological and practical problems (Fox, J., V. Mishra, R. Rindfuss, and S. Walsh, eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishing, Boston. Pages 173-199.
7. Galvin, K.A., J. Ellis, R.B. Boone, A. Magennis, N.M. Smith, S.J. Lynn, and P. Thornton. 2002. Compatibility of pastoralism and conservation? A test case using integrated assessment in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania. In Displacement, Forced Settlement and Conservation. (D. Chatty and M. Colester, eds.) Berghahn, Oxford, London, UK. Pages 36-60.
6. Boone, R.B. and W.B. Krohn. 2002. An introduction to 'Modeling tools and accuracy assessment.' In Predicting species occurrences: issues of accuracy and scale. (J.M. Scott et al., eds.) Island Press, Washington, DC, USA. Pages 265-270.
5. Coughenour, M., R. Boone, P. Thornton, and R. Howe. 2002. Integrated modeling and assessment of changing pastoral ecosystems - experience in East Africa, and potential for application in Mongolia. In Fundamental issues affecting sustainability on the Mongolian steppe (T. Chuluun and D. Ojima, eds.). International Institute for Study of Nomadic Civilization, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Pages 313-326.
4. Ellis, J., K. Price, R. Boone, F. Yu, C. Togtohyn. M. Yu. 2002. Integrated assessment of climate change affects on steppe vegetation in Mongolia and Inner Mongolia. In Fundamental issues affecting sustainability on the Mongolian steppe (T. Chuluun and D. Ojima, eds.). International Institute for Study of Nomadic Civilization, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Pages 26-33.
3. Boone, R.B. 1999. Ranges of amphibians and reptiles in northeastern North America. In Maine amphibians and reptiles. M.L. Hunter, Jr., J. Albright, and J. Arbuckle (editors), University of Maine Press. Pages 27-28.
2. Krohn, W.B., W.J. Zielinski, and R.B. Boone. 1997. Relations among fishers, snow, and martens in California: results from small-scale spatial comparisons. In Martes: taxonomy, ecology, techniques, and management. G. Proulx, H.N. Bryant, and P.M. Woodard (editors). Provincial Museum of Alberta, Edmonton. Pages 211-232.
1. O'Connor, R.J. and R.B. Boone. 1992. A retrospective study of agricultural bird populations in North America. In Ecological Indicators. D.H. McKenzie, D.E. Hyatt, and V.J. McDonald (editors). Elsevier Applied Science, New York, New York. Pages 1165-1184.
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